NOTE: This listing is meant to act as a sort of clearinghouse for legitimate (yes, even ads) use of listening ports identified "in the wild". Trojans, worms, etc. are NOT listed here except as a reference point. For trojans, worms and such, Joakim Von Braun maintains an excellent list of those at Terms Adport - Identified as being used for ad banners on web pages Unknown- Function not identified. If suspected, will be described Keyword Decimal Description References ------- ------- ----------- ---------- Pointcast 9/tcp Unofficially used by pointcast tgcmd 641/tcp /TGCMD is Remote Configuration and troubleshooting software from\ tgcmd 653/tcp \ (now Used by Cable networks / cddbp 888/tcp CD Database Protocol (Unofficial port #) Adport 1127/tcp Used by (Stock Quote site) Morpheus 1214/tcp Peer-to-peer music/file sharing service (Kazaa, Grokster) SerialGateway 1243/tcp Also trojans SubSeven, Backdoor-G, Apocalypse RADIUS_Auth 1645/tcp Unofficial RADIUS Authentication Service (see port 1812) RADIUS_Acct 1646/tcp Unofficial RADIUS Accounting Service (see port 1813) Adport 1775/tcp Banner Ads and popups Unknown 1863/tcp Only seen w/ - probably banner ads, but not known Adport 1975/tcp Banner Ads Usually and Adport 2064/tcp Banner Ads and popups Exchange 2629-2631/tcp Exchange Server ADMIN program MS-SMS 2701/tcp SMS (Systems Management Server) (Remote Control/Push app) MS-SMS 2702/tcp SMS (Systems Management Server) (Remote Control/Push app) OctelVM 4000/tcp Octel Voicemail system OctelVM 4001/tcp Octel Voicemail system OctelVM 4002/tcp Octel Voicemail system ? 4500/udp ? Bagel.U 4751/tcp ? Backdoor for Bagel.U virus Radmin 4899/tcp Remote Admin utility for PC's (Official port is PowerGem Plus) Unknown 5535/tcp Seen going to (Namibian Safari agency) Unknown 5552/tcp Chat or Banner Ad - not sure WCESCOMM 5679/tcp Active Sync process for PDAs (Dell Axim, Blackberry, Palm, etc.) Dameware 6129/tcp Mini Remote Control program (helpdesk software) FreePeers 6346/tcp BearShare - P2P file sharing by FreePeers RADMIND 6662/tcp Radmind Access Protocol (Remote Admin Daemon) Unix, Linux, MacOSX IRC/INova 6666/tcp Internet Relay Chat AND INova Display Systems IRC/UPS 6667/tcp Internet Relay Chat AND UPS software (APC for sure, maybe others) IRC/UPS 6668/tcp Internet Relay Chat AND UPS software (APC for sure, maybe others) IRC/UPS 6669/tcp Internet Relay Chat AND UPS software (APC for sure, maybe others) RealAudio 6770/tcp Usually people trying to listen to radio (start of range of unknown size) RealAudio 6770/udp Usually people trying to listen to radio (start of range of unknown size) Unknown 7778/tcp Found on firewall logs. Probably an advertising window javaw 8000/tcp Used by Microsoft Java Developer's Kit javaw.exe See also 57860 Unknown 8004/tcp Found being sent to AOL Unknown 8006/tcp Found being sent to AOL naimas 8081/tcp Network Associates Anti-virus EPO Agent napster 8875/tcp Napster - Found in firewall logs Adport 9000/tcp Banner Ads on, Adport? 9009/tcp Possibly banner ads. Seen only on ICQ.COM HP JetDirect 9100/tcp JetDirect Printing Unknown 12343/tcp Only seen with OfficeScan 12345/tcp Trend Micro OfficeScan (anti-virus product) (as well as NetBus) Unknown 17027/tcp Unknown - Thousands of tries to Exodus Unknown 17300/tcp Kuang2 - Password stealing trojan Unknown 27374/tcp Many Trojans - See or neohapsis drivemonitor 31001/tcp Drive Monitor by Executive Software part of DiskAlert danotification 31002/tcp DiskAlert by Executive Software part of DiskAlert NortonAV 38293/udp Norton Anti Virus Discovery protocol Inoculan 41508/tcp Inoculan ArcServe 41523/tcp Listening port on ArcServe servers - possibly tied to SQL backups ArcServe 41524/udp Broadcast port used by ArcServe servers to find clients (?) CiscoWorks 42342/udp Ciscoworks discovery protocol Reachout 43188/tcp Possible unofficial use here. Reachout from Stac Electronics / javaw 57860/tcp Used by Microsoft Java Developer's Kit javaw.exe See also 8000 List last updated 04/28/2003 (C) 2001,2002,2003 Bob Konigsberg - Comments and analysis are the only copyrighted part. Feel free to copy, distribute, and use as long as this notice is left intact. Contact me at if you have questions or enhancements on this.